MLS Data
The Multiple Listing Service is a complex database of listings entered directly by Real Estate professionals and acts as a trading platform to buy and sell Real Estate properties.
When a property is on the market for sale, it is added to the database and tracked through the sales transaction cycle – for example, when an offer is accepted by the seller and the property closes escrow, this is known as a ‘status change’ in the MLS system.
All this information provides a real-time database for real estate professionals to know precisely when a property is available for sale at any given moment and precisely when a property sells and for what price.
Interestingly, the MLS is the very source that provides the listing feeds to Participant Broker sites and other distribution channels.

IDX Data Feed
SmartMLS,Inc. provides MLS Datafeeds to brokerage offices and for companies offering products and services that help our subscribers in their business.
- Internet Data Exchange (IDX) is the system and rules that allow real estate brokers and agents to share each other’s listings. IDX software enables real estate professionals to add MLS listings to their websites.
- The purpose of IDX is to level the playing field, so smaller real estate brokers can compete with larger organizations. It also standardizes property listings across the board and fosters an environment of cooperation as brokers share their listings.
- The IDX data service enables the display of Coming Soon, Active, Show, and Deposit on market listings.
- IDX data service also allows for the display of Sold Listing Data equals or greater than January 1, 2012.
- This data service provides most property details and contains all listIngs from brokers that are opted into the IDX Program
- This data service is a public facing access with no login required. Allows for general statistics and AVMs on the available data.
RETS Server Information