Frequently Asked Questions when Joining
Do you have to be a member of a Board of REALTORS® to join SmartMLS?
A: Yes, you must be a member of a Board of REALTORS® listed as an Active REALTOR®. Your Board does not have to be in Connecticut, but we do ask for a letter of good standing from your out of state Board of REALTORS®.
Do I have to have a Connecticut License to join SmartMLS?
A: Yes, you cannot list or show a property in Connecticut without holding an active real estate license in CT. Click here to review the DCP website.
I'm a Broker, If I Join do my Agents Have to Join?
A: Yes, see the Rules and Regulations, Section 2.1
Are the Fees to Join Refundable?
A: SmartMLS has a No Refund Policy. See the Rules and Regulations, Section 3.4
Can we Share SmartMLS IDs and Passwords?
A: No, allowing another person to use a SmartMLS ID and password is a direct violation of our Rules and Regulations and can lead to a fine of up to $5000. Please see Rules and Regulations, Section 3.6